Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Curse of "I don't remember how I made this!!!"

I'm sure it's happened to everyone. You make something amazing and can't remember exactly how you made it. I have a few examples of this very tragedy. First up:

Broccoli Potato Soup

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I've been sick this week and I just wanted something to warm me up and make me feel better. What better way to do that than have soup! Well, this soup came out amazing. Sucky part is I don't remember half of what I used to make it. I remember potatoes, broccoli, water... yea that's it. I wish I could remember because I would sure love to have that again.

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This is another one that is amazing that I have NO IDEA how I made it. I remember purple cabbage and kale mixed with potatoes, but I didn't write down what I used like most times. I am upset about this one too because it came out so GREAT!!! It was my first time making colcannon and I rocked it.

What a tragedy these 2 were! Luckily I only really have those 2. I also apologize for not posting as much during VeganMoFo. I stay pretty busy and it's hard to stay on top of the things I do that bring me great joy, for I am too busy working on the things that make me tired (school, work... blah) Hopefully I will be able to shell out a few greats before the month is up. Thanks for following guys!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Chocolate Chip Cookies


It took me a while to find just the right Chocolate chip cookie recipe. I tried a few recipes from cookbooks that I bought and I honestly have to say... they were POO compared to this one! I should have known that I should have just turned to the one and only Isa Moskowitz for the perfect cookie recipes. I mean COME ON!!!

This recipe came from her amazing cookbook VEGAN WITH A VENGEANCE. They are great!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chorizo breakfast potatoes

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These were so easy it was insane! I actually had never eaten soyrizo (soy chorizo) before. Even back when I was a meat eater I never had chorizo. I wasn't sure what to expect with soyrizo, but if Kim (The Vegan Mouse) liked to cook with it I was sure it would taste great. I opened the package and gave it a little taste and sure enough... it was amazing!

1 Large potato of choice. ( I used a red potato.)
2 cups of chopped kale
1 cup of cilantro leaves (no stems)
1 tbsp olive oil
2-3 tsp water
dash of salt
dash of garlic powder
1 soy chorizo link

First boil your potatoes. While they are cooking chop up your kale and prepare your cilantro. (I took the stems off but if you don't like to that's fine, just chop them up well) In a pan, cook your kale with 1 tbsp olive oil and add a few tsp of water to soften them up. when the kale wilts add the cilantro and mix well. When potatoes are finishes mash them, but not fully. A few mashes should do fine. Chunky potatoes rock. add the kale mixture and mix together well.

In a small separate pan take a dash of olive oil and cut open your chorizo link and add it to the pan mix it around until its evenly heated and add it to your potatoes.Ad your salt and garlic powder for taste. (not too much, don't overpower the wonderful chorizo's flavors!) Mix well and there you have it!

I had some of these today and I was very grateful that I took the chance on chorizo.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

VeganMoFo, 2008

What is VeganMoFo?!?!

Click this here banner to find out!

Fried Tofu

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This was pretty easy. I cut strips of garlic tofu steak and dipped them into the leftover batter from the fried seitan I made. I also cut these up and put them on a salad.

Look to my post for Seitan for the battering recipe.

To add a little more flavor to this, sprinkle your favorite seasonings on your tofu before battering.